miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Cinemas Eye nomina a los mejores documentales del año

Los Cinemas Eye premian año con año a lo mejor en el género de documentales en todo el mundo.


The Arbor

Directed by Clio Barnard
Produced by Tracy O’Riordan

The Interrupters
Directed by Steve James
Produced by Alex Kotlowitz and Steve James

Nostalgia for the Light
Directed by Patricio Guzmán
Produced by Renate Sachse

Position Among the Stars
Directed by Leonard Retel Helmrich
Produced by Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich

Project Nim
Directed by James Marsh
Produced by Simon Chinn

Directed by Asif Kapadia
Produced by James Gay-Rees, Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner

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